Psychopath Test

Psychopath Test

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the

bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads.

No one I know has got it right.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did

Not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream

guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his

number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?

[Give this some thought before you answer]


She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you

answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by

a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same

mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and

answered the question correctly.

If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you.

If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off

my email list.
hahahah thats what you say now. Psychos ARE geniuses. They are geniuses that have a tendency KILL people. am i not correct?
Kaushik Kapadia
She wanted that the guy should not come into her sister's dream.
If her sister is alive the guy could have come into her dream
that's why she killed her sister
Gr8 Logical answer. I shared with few, all have effects of Ekta Kapoor's serials. They have given answers like Hindi Films like ... judwa sisters having same resemblance and He was her boyfriend and lady killed her sister to take her place etc.
Thanks for sharing intelligent answer
Well i have to admit....I thought of the same answer.........I asked many people around the same question but all replied wrong.....How i thought like this???????? :(
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