Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Dear friends,
Now one of our Zero Pathology Ganga participant has succeeded in moving the right hand anti-clock wise and moving the right leg clock wise simultaneously.
Next, one more will be successful in a day or two.
Do you like to know how?
Hi Jogeshwarji,
Oh yes, I am sure a lot of people would be interested in knowing how to do that. Awaiting eagerly for the "magic trick" :)
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Oh Vinisha!
I am delighted to meet you after a long time. If they so want, let them have a brief idea about neuroplasticity,a concept of rewiring. This is for mental preparation. Then I shall tell the reversal design. That is very simple.

Delighted to meet you too Jogeshwarji!

Here's a bit about neuroplasticity that I read. Source is Wikipedia.

"Neuroplasticity (variously referred to as brain plasticity or cortical plasticity) refers to the changes that occur in the organisation of the brain, and in particular changes that occur to the location of specific information processing functions, as a result of the effect of learning and experience. A common and surprising consequence of brain plasticity is that the location of a given function can "move" from one location to another in the brain due to repeated learning or brain trauma.

Even the adult brain is not "hard-wired" with fixed and immutable neuronal circuits. Many people have been taught to believe that once a brain injury occurs, there is little to do to repair the damage. This is simply not the case and there is no fixed period of time after which "plasticity" is blocked or lost. We simply do not know all of the conditions that can enhance neuronal plasticity in the intact and damaged brain, but new discoveries are being made all of the time. There are many instances of cortical and subcortical rewiring of neuronal circuits in response to training as well as in response to injury. There is now solid evidence that neurogenesis, the formation of new nerve cells, is possible in the adult, mammalian brain--and such changes can persist well into old age."

I especially like the second part better. Now I have a rational explaination when elders say, "I am too old to study new things".

I got where you are going with this. So through repeated attempts (learnings), we can actually program our brains to make clockwise circles with our right foot, while attempting to make a 6 with our right hand finger. Though, what is it exactly that makes such action possible? And what is it that made our brains programmed to move our right foot and right hand finger in the same direction?


Vinisha. :D
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Dear Vinissha,
I am very happy that you are keen to know about neuroplasticity.
Now our second person in the group is successful.
The reversal design is so simple.
Move your right hand anticlockwise while keeping right leg fixed.
Then move our right leg clockwise while keeping your right hand fixed.
After a few days join both movements. If you fail, again separaate both movements and after some days try again together. Go on till you are able to join two movements together.
Also to read about neuroplasticity make a citehr quick search
hi jogeshwarji...
while looking out for topics i came across ur profile....
there is no email id of ur mentioned on the forum so i had to post a msg..actually my topic is not related to anything that everyone is discussing with u currently.
i m vaishali and am i currently pursuing my masters in I/O PSy from sndt university.
currently working as an interns at TATA Power. would you please tell me about the possible carrer avenues after i
finish my PG...is it worth hold a degree in I/O in the industry outside..i m
really worried as i am realizing that its the MBA that move ahead of us..your
comments would be appreciated...
where r u currently working?? where and how ur job role??
hope to hear from u!!
I tried it too.
But after some deliberation it worked in the said way.
hi all
i ve ask in my office to do presentation on the follwoing topic i.e-why attrition rate is more in IT sector? what steps to be taken to reduce it?
So can u help me with same.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Rajat,
Wonderful thing!!
It is really amazing but after some practice I could draw 6 successfully without changing the movement of my leg. :D
I did a lot of practice. Phew
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Dear Vaishu,
thank you for tracking me.
My organisation is of about 80 employees. In last 2 years or so 4 persons died premature death. First on heart attack, second by stroke, third committed suicide and the 4th on last sunday due to respiratory problem. The fourth was a very high ranking officer. More or less same is the condition of organisations every where.
So there is ample job for psychologists but managements think that their services are enough.
Psychologists if at all needed in corporate sector, then that is for psychometric testing.
For that standardisation of tests are inevitable. But no organisation is going for funding for test standardisation. So you are bound to use imported tests though cross country application of the tests are not permissible scientifically.
So we have enough jobs for us but we have not come up to level to convince the managers and directors in this regard
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