Use of personal laptop in office- official procedure

I have a personal laptop and I would like to use my laptop at work.
I am a Training Manager and I have to handle a lot of data.
I've been given a PC though in my office but I believe if I could use my laptop, working would be more easy for security purpose as well as when I can't physically make it to work (when ill).
Could you please suggest and guide to draft a letter on how to convince my boss for the same?
Your response is most awaited.
With much thanks,
Hi kavita,

Please find the drafted letter below;



Sub: Request

Dear Sir / Madam,

As per the present market dynamics, an individual (professional) should be alert at all time to make his / her efforts meaningful.

Keeping in view the above you are requested to allow me to maintain the concern data on my personal laptop. I think it will be more helpful for me and useful for orgainsation also. As you are well aware that I have to keep lots of data and that data should be comprehensive and easily getable.

If you give me the permission then I can work on this anywhere anytime because i m athome in using Laptop. As far as the company privacy is concern you can impose any type of guideline on it, I have no objection for the same.

Hope you will have a decent look on it, waiting for your valuable response.

Thanks and Regards


Note: For future perspective and security aspect I will keep the data in PC also.

Friend I hope this will help you out, pls revert if feel suitable.


Modesto Tolentino Jr.
Laptops are not an option for PC in an HR field. This is because of the sensitivity and security requirement of the data being processed within the HR, it is not supposed to be in mobile equipment as the threat of lost or hacking is very high. I suggest that if you really want to use your laptop for working at home, what you should ask your boss is to issue you a mobile disk or usb disk that can be used to transfer your working files from your office PC to your laptop at home which can be more secure as the mobile disk or usb disk is quite handy and not very prone to lost as it can even fit your pocket.
Happy New Year.
Dear Dear kavita,
you are so loyal to your company that you are ready to use personal laptop for office work whereas people like me use office equipment for personal use.
Forget that you have a personal laptop and with the above quoted points fill up an indent for a new laptop.
Since office work is getting hampered it is valid you use office laptop.
Thank you Vikas, Ravi, and mtolentinojr. I highly appreciate your instant and kind response.
I guess my boss would need more stronger reasons.
Would you mind helping me out again?
With much thanks,
Dear Kavita
Do not use personal lap top for office use You can use it at home , carry data in flaqsh/pen drive and work in ofice
Just answer this question.
Does your boss has a laptop provided by th Company?Who are all provided with Lap Top in the organisation?
If they are not provided with laptops, then whatever may be the reason you give, you will not be permitted!!!! (May not be true always but generally this will be human behaviour)
Most organizations will require data to be kept on the server in office. If you have to work from out of office you could copy data from the server in your laptop, finish your work and copy in back on the server when you reach office next.
If you maintain data on your laptop, continuity of data in the server will be lost and the organization will have problems during your abscence. Hence, forget the idea of keeping your data on a laptop.
Dear Siva,
Thanks for the response.
My boss has a laptop and a PC. Also 2 of the manager's here at times bring their laptops to work. And the data iz my own that I use for Training purposes in my company and of late I learned security for my data is a concern.
The comapny hasn't provided me with any data for Training. I've manifested every single thing.
Just talk to your boss and if he agrees then bring your laptop if it is absolutely necessary
Dont expect any organisation to give a written consent for this
Once a written concent is given, you can always demand accessories and maintenance for the same
That is one of the reasons, no organisation gives any written consent for using personal properties
My advice will be AVOID
If you still want to use it,
discuss with your boss and use it with his permission
Hi Kavita,

i have read all the postings on the issue raised by you for advice. Is their any executive in your level who has been granted such permission or they use their personal laptop for official use at office? I do not understand why you need any permission? you must inform your security when you enter office and get it noted there in their register that this laptop (with serial no. etc.) is your personal propserty and u are taking it inside office for oficial use. After this let your boss raise an objection and if he objects to its use in office then make a written request for issue of laptop to you for office use as this will be "VALUE ADDITION TO YOUR PRESENT JOB". Let the management take a decision on this point. Act systematically and step by step. No sane mgmt. will refuse permission. Only objection/hitch which I can foresee is that your boss may feel inferior in the eyes of his boss because of your creativity and interetst in your job performance. But you must make few attempts. Mind you -do not irritate your boss. Keep reading his mind. Some individuals do not give sufficient clues to read their mind. you need to be extra vigilant in this reading of his mind.



Satish Kumar

Head (HR)

NTPC Foundation
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