Case: Notifiable Disease under Factory Rules - Complex transfer policy / Trade Union's role

Case: A worker (who is also a permanent employee) has contracted with a disease named "Noise Induced Hearing Loss". Certifying surgeon in his visit made a remark to transfer the affected worker. Please suggest some of the ways to handle the issues keeping in mind the following factors;
1. Complex transfer policy
2. Trade Union's role
Kritarth Consulting
Workers in Factories (Industrial Establishments) are governed by the Provisions of Certified Standing Orders/ Model Standing Orders which have Provisions for such Specified Situations, hence act accordingly.
As far as Union's Role is concerned, the Regd TU can take up the Case of such-Worker-Member who sustain,on account of Work-Hazardous, Loss of Earning Capacity and have to be deployed subject to Medical Fitness-for -the-Alternate Job, in another Job or Dept of the same Employer with his/her Salary /Wages freezed.
Kritarth Team of Solution Provider
25 Nov 2019
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