If it is legal to run a business (which might be consulting or a shop) while we are employed in a private sector?

Hello experts, Would like to know if it is legal to run a business (which might be consulting or a shop) while we are employed in a private sector?
If not, can this be run still under the name of any other relatives.
No issues in running own business side by side as far as you are in private sector.
You can do so provided not violating the terms of employment. It is rather good to start with someother name than of you to avoid further complication.
Venkata Vamsi Krishna Patnaik
Dear Venkatanathan,
I slightly differ with seniors here and advise you to avoid doing such business, as would be taking up a profession for benefit against the terms of employment contract.
It is always not acceptable as per protocols either it is a factory/office or firm,prime reason being not able to concentrate on the job activites.
Riding two boats can be very dangerous, particularly if there are applicable rules in this regard. There are cases in which extreme penalty of termination of service is imposed where the misconduct of engaging in business, trade or profession is committed. This is so provided as engaging in such activities reduces the commitment and involvement and also influences actions in official matters. So it is better to discourage such fissiparous tendencies.
Many families run businesses and their children may join companies for work.
It is not necessary to close down your private business ,just because you are employed.Off course highest ethics is necessary -no poaching, no misuse of employers time etc.
Also it would be good to avoid doing similar business as of the company.
Otherwise for a private sector employee having a separate business on the side is not wrong or legally prohibited.
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