when to give offer letter? appointment letter ?dead line to give ? as per compliance?

when to give offer letter? appointment letter ?dead line to give ? as per compliance?as my employer are not giving me after taking may fallow up
There is actually no law on this matter
However, from a logical point of view, it should be given at time of joining.
Many small companies do not do it because they believe it will allow the employees to take legal action on the employer at a later stage.
firstly, there is no law of limitation stipulating a time limit within which an offer letter or appointment letter is to be given. It is a sound principle of administrative procedure that if any obligation to respond to other party is outstanding on the part of the company then it shall be done promptly or immediately wherever it is possible or within a reasonable time.What is a reasonable time depends up on the circumstances in each case.
In case of job interviews, it is ideal to let the candidates know the results at the earliest as they will be anxious and they can accordingly plan their exit from the current employer or take decisions with regard to other offers pending. A too late communication may deprive the company of a right fit as he might exercise his option to join other company or it gives time to the existing company to negotiate with him for retention. Therefore a company shall ideally communicate offer letter within a week's time. The appointment letter can be given on the date the candidate reports for joining also.It can be mutually settled also.
HR & Labour Relations Adviser
Navi Mumbai
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