seema singh
hi all,
My first question for this forum.
New designers/merchandisers in the garment export house work hard and are ready to learn at whatever cost. I am doing a research into what kind of performance management/appraisal is ideal for these entry level workers. my central hypothesis is that if they are not managed well in terms of rewarding their inputs (which necessarily do not show in the results form as they are still under someone's supervision), they have high tendency in leaving the organization within a year or two.
So, how do performance reviewer/manager control their attrition rate by building a system in the appraisal format?
Kindly answer fast if possible....:)
Seema Singh
diwanshu mittal
hi seema,
i appreciate that you think like this, you know for initial 1-2 months give them the teraning at whatever cost, prepare them according to your industry and compnay environment then give them thier individual targets with proper timelines, may be in suprevision of some other person, only then yo can do the performance appraisal of them
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