How Much Gratuity Should I Get ? (Salary Break Up Mentioned)

I am working in private firm since July 2008 ( 6 years , 4 months , 15 Days)
I have below salary break up.
Basic 18633
HRA 9317
Conv. Reimbursement 800
Medical Reimbursement 250
Total Salary 30000
P.Tax 200
Net salary (One Month) 29800
AS you can see there is no DA mentioned, It can make effect on gratuity amount ? How ?
How to calculate gratuity from above details ?
Gratuity Formula = Basic + DA / 26 days x No of yrs of completed service.
For your case Rs.18633 x 6 yrs / 26 = Rs. .............
S Rajasekaran
Sharma HR
Gratuity = Last Basic Drawn*15/26*No. of Years Service
= 18,633*15/26*6
Dear Friend
I concur with above both members with regard to calculation of gratuity in respect of your service with your company
Since DA is not mentioned, you may calculate by hthe formulae mentioned by Ms. Sharma.
=Last drawn (Basic+Da)/26*15
for service taken in to account is more than 6month counted as 1year service.
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