F&F For Terminated Employee?

If an employee is terminated due to misconduct/ long absent/non performance is it compulsory to process their F&F.
Note: Kindly inform the rule for the same
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Friend
Even if employee is terminated for any act of misconduct such as absenting from duty, insubordination, negligence etc by following the established procedure, the employer is required to make final settlement of such employee, provided if the act of such employee causes no financial loss to the employer business.
Charan.Crew - the F&F is a full & final settlement and defined as per the HR policy of your firm. If you don't have the HR policy drafted yet, better do so since these issues frequently crop up.
My dear,
In case an employee has been terminated due to a grave act of misconduct, you can only with hold his gratuity but will have to settle his FNF.
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