Canteen Facility - Factory Act

Dear Seniors
i am working in beverages industry and willing to know about canteen facility required or not my query is we are having total no of employees 250+ including marketing team they are around 100+ they will not come to the factory even yearly once as per factories act we need to comply or not? please clarify.
Pls clarify,
1. Are marketing professionals included in your pay rolls and getting statutory benefits
2. to which location does the company belong many are working inside the premises
1.Yes those are in our payroll and getting statutory benefits
2.The company belongs to Andhra Pradhesh Region
3.No of employees 150 no's working inside the factory
As per the FA its necessary to have canteen for 250 + workers but its not ment to have canteen for 150 employees. You can approach you HR or welfare officer and have a smooth proceedings to have canteen and have mutual benefits
Thanks for your valuable suggestion but in our area FI sent a notice to us to comply canteen facility to our employees(head count as per payroll 350no's(including marketing team 100+) please suggest how to comply?
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