Purpose Of Experience Letter Or Salary Slip?

Greetings seniors!!!! I would be helpfull if anyone answer me on dis following quries,
1. Wats d purpose of experience letter n salary slip?
2. How d employer scrtnize it?
3. Will salary compone.ts % may vary acc to company to company or not? Wat r all they?
1. Experience Certificate gives clear picture about your previous designation / Roles, and your related field experience. Company will normally look for the same when you attend interview for new job. It would definitely add value to your profile.
2. Salary slip will give clear direction the employer to take decision on your CTC for new assignment. It plays vital role in CTC fixation process. HR will not go by your words on CTC but they take a call on CTC based on the documents.
3. According to me both documents are very important for a person to demand a hike in both.
4. CTC Components may vary from company to company. the followings are some of components of CTC: Basic, HRA, Medical, Educational Allowances, Periodicals, Uniform Maintenance Allowances, Transport Allowance. This may also vary from Company to Company.
Hi Vidhya,
With reagards to your first query i would like to share wiht you that experince letter is a document that ensure that the person who is bearing the letter has experience with a purticulalar organization or company for a certain duration of time. Further i would like to add that we need experience letters from the previous employers to show "progressive" experience from our previous organisation.
Salary slip is a nothing but its a kind of document which gives the details of the of your salary during the particular period in any organization. for example days present, days absent, basic earnings, other allowances, deductions of taxes and other dues. And usually salary slip format gives break up of the gross earnings, deductions and net earnings of the employee.
And you have to show this salary slip in any oraganisation if you joins that company as a mean of document to show them about your salary which you were getting in past.
Thank you Ms supriya, and Mr kannan for ur kind information WHICH U HAVE SHARED...
1. I JUS WANNA clearance that right now im not having salary slip of my previous job due to maternity i took a break somehow i missed my salary document but now i want to search for a new job in a new company will the organisation consider me or not?......
in what way i convince them ? and im mba hr/finance i have 5+ yrs of experience as hr executive wat avg salary i cen expect?
You can Contact your previous employer or accountant and ask them for slary slip from them. You can tell them about the situation that u need your last monthly salary slip. They can not refuse that to you as you had been working there. but if your previous organisation fail to provide you the same then you can explain the curennt situation & fact to new organisation.
Further i would like to add that salry criteria vary from company to company. But if you are having good experience you can expect accordingly.
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