How To Put Clips In The Forum?

Hello all,
I wanted to know, as to how can I put in some good clips in the forum. This clips are to be put in some section, which would be intersting for all..
Please someone guide me for the same...
Thanks in advace .. :D
Hi Nick,
You use the "Add an attachment" icon/button itself at the end of the post square. If its a JPEG or GIF, it is automatically added as a clip otherwise it is displayed as an icon for downloading alongwith the description of the file.
Right, CHR Moderator?
Hi Nick,
Anuradha is right. You can use the "Add an attachment" button to add any type of files. In case they are video clip the system may not allow you to upload them - in that case you can mail them to me along with the link to your content posting and I will upload them manually and add them to your post.
Warm regards,
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