Inititating An Employee Corner-Notice Board

I am initiating an " Employee Corner" a notice board where employees can put up articles, photographs , Birthday greetings etc.
If any body can let me know how to keep employees interested in this and elicit a good response from them.
If you have already done this, it would be great if you could give me some pointers.
The employee strenth in my office is 45
Cite Contribution
You have a brilliant idea not just to keep employees engaged , but even take the pulse of a situation, at any given time.
Such Kiosks are excellent tool for employees to communicate on a larger platform, through creative ways.
Please consider calling for Collage on any topic either related to work or purely fun. One collage where I was a part of , we celebrated Independence day through it. The entire team was asked to get pictures to what the day means to us and stick it on the board to build on the story. It was fun and glued the team together even without any outing or a party.
You can find a rolling editor to the board, let one employee manage the board for a week. That way everyone gets to be involved with the platform.
Motivate your employees to put hand written notes on what was his/her highest point at work on a given day. Not everyone might participate, but whoever does will spread the cheer to others.
I am sharing two links sourced from Citehr related to your query and this could complement the suggestions given by (Cite Contribution).
Thank you Dear (Cite Contribution)!Rolling Editor is a very inspiring idea that had completely escaped me !
Thank you . Went through the links. Many great ideas!
Hello Lakshmichander,
You can give lliberty to the employees within the framework of company rules.
They can share any useful information related to company matter or personal.
Instant feedback appreciating what is posted will encourage.
So please ensure this.
Give offline suggestions to people regarding how to use the facility.
Give some small prizes.
Good luck.
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