Tease By HR Manager

dear ankita ji
i am sharing this again,
Bad to the Bone: Dealing With an Unwitting Bad Boss
Raj Kumar Hansdah
One often finds oneself stuck at such junctures; where the boss is playing favorite with one of his reportees.

More often the response is that of 'learned helplessness'; else the result is obvious; either continued job-discomfort or. as responded by a member - finding oneself at the other end of notice.

However; each case is different, and so are the remedies available.

In this instance; the boss is obviously calling the shots, from the shoulder of the aggrieved. The best solution, in my opinion, would be to involve the boss in his own act. Instead of taking verbal instructions on claiming full attendance; it would be prudent to ask him to condone or approve thee matter while putting up the report.

One can claim that as the one who has prepared the report, one is not empowered to recommend or approve thee shortfalls in the attendance. Let the boss approve it every month. after a length of time, this documentation can be useful to prove that his favoritism is at the cost of the company's interest. i am certain that Japanese companies are much more professional in dealing with such matters.

Warm regards.
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