Recruitment Process Outsourcing - Front Office

Dear CiteHR Members,
It feels good to be a part of a elite HR group.
I am Leo Anto working in a HR firm in Bangalore.
I have a new assigment in hand "RPO"
We are in the process of creating a Backend team which would would only do sourcing, mass mailing & resume matching.
The matched resumes will be sent across to the front office which would interview & evaluate candidates over the phone.
Wanted to know if any companies operate in this style, if so
What is the process
What are the challenges
How is the efficeny of the this team? & on what scale is the efficency evaluated on?
Success stories?
Any specific domain/ industries which this team caters to? Can this be implemented to all industries & levels?
Thanks in advance.
looking forward for your responses.
Hi Leo,
Please let me know, to which country you are going to source profiles, what will be your industry area, what kind of requirement you have to cater.
What is your current team size, how many recruiters are experienced in RPO industry.
For RPO, do you guys have full knowledge of Visas and Work Permits, Taxation Policies and other HR activites involved.
Please let me know all these things.
Well I am Kartik and I am heading the India Operations of US based staffing company.
- Kartik
Hi Leo,
If you are from Bangalore, you should try Merittrac. We spoke to them last year reg this as we were also looking at doing this for our BPO in Chennai. They have a model similar to what you require. They do this process for HP at Bangalore. The only problem is that they are more focussed on testing than actual backend work. But the HP process is a very nice model and if your organisation has the cash to invest in such a system then ride along. Cost was a big factor because of which we dint go ahead with this. If you are looking at a cheaper alternative then try speaking to a few consultants and get a few dedicated resources working on the outsourced recruitment model(out of your office). We have seen a large improvement in our productivity since we outsourced our recruitment process... Our recruiters today focus more on senior hiring and other important work like salary discussions and on-boarding.
Regards, Kartik

I have experience in RPO model and I have listed in brief what I learned.

What is the process

There will be one or more onsite coordinators who will be liasoning between your backend team and the client. These coordinators are basically recruiters who excel in communication, negotiation skills, & also the art of closure.Size of the team may be based on your TAT and delivery capability.

What are the challenges

Understanding the SLA's.

Coordinators ability to understand the perceptions of the interviewer and the process that the client follows.

Pushing the client for results without creating pain

transforming the back end team as clients own recruiters and not as a recruitment company.

Managing the inter office challenges and generating offer.

Negotiating with the client and candidate.

Should be supervised directly by efficient managers.

How is the efficeny of the this team? & on what scale is the efficency evaluated on?

Efficiency is evaluated on TAT, quality of delivery, commitment on delivery, and relationship management.

Success stories?

a lot of stories are there.

Any specific domain/ industries which this team caters to? Can this be implemented to all industries & levels?

As long as you have recruiters who are specialized in one particular industry you can start a RPO.

I have worked for RPO for IT, ITES, Insurance and telecom industries.

let me know if you need more details.


Can we know the pricing methodology used by the RPOs. What is the industry practice of conducting the due diligence on the commercials.
hi can anybody provide me the project report on recruitment process outsourcing or any topic which has RPo.
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