Regarding Reason For Change In Job

Hi All,
Please help me with your suggestion on \'what reason should i give to interviewer on my last job change?\'
Actually, i have 1.6 yrs of exp in HR n i left my job 8 months ago coz i got married n in those months i was at out-of-station so couldn\'t continue with job. But now i really want to resume with job but problem persist when i say i left d job coz i got married.
8months gap n married status - this two reasons r making me not eligible to do job. have faced rejections coz of this.
please suggest me some valid reason.
Hello Ms.

It becomes a little difficult for a married lady to be able to look for new job and get hired.

Can I ask which city are you currently located at?

I shall point out a few concerns here which might help you focus on what to do and how to tackle the situation.

There's nothing one could do if you were getting married and were to shift at a new location.

But the concern may be that you've been married for 8 months, now and if we hire you today, there are chances that the next month you claim you're expecting and in few month's would go on maternity.

Another thinking area might be, if you bear a child tomorrow, would it be possible for you to handle both your responsibilities and yet give you 100%?

I can understand your plight, myself being a female who may have to face similar situation and hence would advice you this -

Don't get demotivated. Even if your interviewer feels you should have been looking for job earlier, it might have given you an edge, you know the best if that was possible.

Give reasons as to why were you not able to take up job in these eight months. You can say that you had new responsibilities and a new life had begun. You wanted a little time to adjust to the new environment. You can add saying that you would have looked for job immediately after marriage and all other rituals were over but the reason you didn't do was you wanted some time to get adjusted to the new situation and above all, you wanted to do justice to your job as well. Now that you are much familiar and have been able to handle newer responsibilities well, you're confident that you'd be able to do justice to both equally.

Don't feel ashamed or scared. Just be calm and put forth your point. Wish you good luck :)

Hope it helped :)
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