Remedies For Vastu Defects In The Kitchen - PNG Download

Not all home owners may have a kitchen that completely conforms to <link outdated-removed> , even after making modifications. In such cases, there are several remedial measures available, to correct Vastu defects. Some of them have been elaborated below:

•The kitchen should not be placed under or above a toilet or bathroom. Remedy: Hang a 50 mm crystal on the centre of the ceiling and colour the ceiling yellow, to minimise the negative vibrations.

•The kitchen and the toilet should not share a common wall. Remedy:Paste a zinc metal ‘nine pyramid’ on both sides of the wall that is common to the kitchen and bathroom, to minimise the bad energy.

•The kitchen should never be situated in the north-east or north direction, as this can invite arguments, hinder wealth and luck from entering your life and also adversely affect one’s career. Remedy: Paste a Jupiter crystal pyramid above the stove, to minimise negative vibration.

•The cooking stove should be placed in the south-east corner and the members of the family should face east while cooking. Remedy: Paste a set of three zinc pyramids on the wall opposite to the stove.

•A kitchen should not face the main door of the house. Remedy: Hang a 50 mm crystal between the main door and the kitchen door, on the ceiling.

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