Reduce Global Warming - Doc Download

Hi all
I have collected certain articles and tips on global warming and to reduce its effect on human being. Please, go through it and try to at least follow few tips and make a difference. It is in our hand to save our mother nature. It’s not the time to think who is the cause of problem, its duty of every individual to reduce carbon emissions and help to stop climate changes which could otherwise lead to the ultimate end of existence of Earth and man is global warming and its devastating effects. And remember that cutting down on your carbon emissions and the like will save you personally a lot of money. And give lot of contentment of life. Educate yourself, you family, your friends, your co-workers and everyone you meet. Our culture is just waking up to issues that have always existed. The more people are aware of the issues the more likely they are to make decisions that will be constructive!
Thank you
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