Any Good HR Initiatives For The Forthcoming Festival -DEWALI

Hi Friends,
As a part of OD an HR has to take lot of initiatives during the festive season and here comes the ideas to implement.
So lets avail the benefit of being together and share our innovative ideas ,probably what all we have already practised in the past or any new also.................
Hope to get good participation from all..........
Suanshu Malik
Hi Friends,
48 views and no reply................
Actually the org structure in my organisation is too vast so i have to plan it in an organised manner ; Rather i have to take it as a project to assign the responsiblities at various locations..........
Sooooooooo plsssssssss contribute ideas or some good practises which were followed last year at deewali in your organisation.
free movie tickets to the latest festival releases...better than the usual NFR box!
P.S: NFR = Nuts, figs and raisins...
actually celebrate diwali in office....for a change...everyone goes home and does their thing with their friends and family but there are a lot of employees who spend the diwali holiday all alone because they have nowhere to celebrate diwali in office for them?
Healthy living initiative...announce prizes for people who have taken up healthy habits or improved lifestyle (like exercising, quit smoking, healthy eating etc etc) on/just before diwali day, starting now...actually this has nothing to do with diwali as such but it will give people ample amount of time :)
Organize paintball fights, the week prior to diwali holidays. It is the festival of colours anyways so what better excuse than this to paint your manager from head to toe in whatever colour your want to? :) Please contact Headrush Paintball India : Paintball in Mumbai and Pune, and Across India for more info.
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