Career Plan - Employee Engagement

Dear seniors,

I have total 6 years of work experience and currently associated with a manufacturing organization since last 15 months.

My entire experience is in generalist profile and primary KRA is Training & Development, Employee Engagement & welfare activities.

When I was attending the interview for my present organization GM - HR promised me to handover the above mentioned KRA as I had previous experience of the same.

On joining she fulfilled her promise. But strangely what I found is in all the above jobs the most important one is to serve food, tea/coffee, counting the crockery and cutlery after every training and so on.

This is not only for training, but for all monthly celebration also HR used to serve food to everybody.

I was surprised with this custom and spoke with my team mates and they confirmed me the same. Then I tried to discuss this issue with my boss (GM-HR, as entire HR team reports to her directly, no hierarchy defined as she is not willing to do the same.) and she reacted a lot.

I discussed with her that training means the following steps to be taken:-

1. Nomination

2. Attendance

3. Pre and post feedback collation and analysis

4. Long term feedback collection & ROI calculation

5. Training cost calculation etc.

She refused to agree on all these (in a diplomatic way) and since then I have tried to convince her a lot on all these.

She is associated with this organization past 35 years and started her career as a secretary to MD and rose up to this level.

I appreciate her progress in career but few things that she comment on us is not appreciable like:-

1. “I appreciate attitude more than qualification”

2. “MBA-HR is not really helpful for HR career”

3. “Only 2/3 hours job is done in computer, else all should be manual” and many more.

After all these I thought that since our (me and my boss) thoughts are from 2 different poles, I should leave the organization and find another job so I updated my CV in one of the job portal.

As soon as I updated the CV within a week she got o know about these (I have no idea about the source of information), she called me up in her cabin and asked me that why I am looking for a job and she will ruin my career for this.

I denied the fact (to save my life).

Please suggest me, what to do in this situation.
Dear all,
I am still waiting for the advice.
Kindly suggest, what I should do in this kind of situation.
do not take emotional discision, i am also facing this type job profile you do your work regular & try to search new job for that u register your resume on all placement agency.
With Regards,
Dear Seniors,
I am waiting for your advice.
Kinldy suggest what to do in this kind of situation.
49 views and only one suggestion. I am really in a soup and need advice from experts in HR field.
It's my request, if I can get a good suggestion to come out of this situation.
Really it is a critical situation. You convince your boss by telling what exactly the responsibilities of HR. Attitude is important but not being as a HR we cannot supply food, tea etc. Take support from your employees and HR, then go altogether and talk with your boss!!
Thanks Williams,
I already did this jointly with the team members but unfortunately the plan failed.
I am now determined that I will go for a new job and my only concern is she is making my life miserable for searching jobs. I don't even understand that how she got to know about my updating of CV in a job site.
she is like "I will not understand the HR profiles, and not even let anybody leave my team but make everybody a miserable person if try to go anywhere else"
I spoke with few team members and got to know that one of the person tried to search jobs few years back and same happened to him as well and since then he is suffering and still associated with the organization.
If you can help me to handle this situation with your suggestion, I may help myself out of this situation.
Dear Seniors,
I would also like to get the suggestions from all of you so that I can help myself to come out of this situation. every day that I am spending in office is a hell for me.
Sampriti Saha
Dear Nipuna
I dnt know still you are working with same company or not..
First of all you have to decide what you want? If you want to dominate by your boss then you can continiue. As a employee we always have right to change our job any time. nobody cant force to work .After all we are not a bonded labour. IOf i were in your stage i just talk to her if she understand me then i never create any issue but if not then i definitely told her clearly i dnt like the profile thats why want to change my job.May be in that case you loose your job.but you face problem for a small period but if if you are not mentaly satisfied then you will never progress in future.So never be afraid about job in market every time jobs are avil able so dnt care about job only think about your good careear oportunity,knowledge.And ofcourse if you are realy tortured by your boss then you also can consult with human rights department.
Bhumi Upadhayaya
Hi Nipuna,

Please block your company name in job portal so that your HR head cannot view your profile there. No one can force us to work under pressure. Moreover, being HR head, your boss has to first of all look at the grievances of her team members so that the team is fullly engaged. But if an HR team is not engaged then how come your boss can make or expect the entire workforce of the company to be fully engaged & productive. You being young & energetic with employee free wanting robust HR processes to be implemented in the company, so your boss must feel some threats herself if she lets the juniours opinioun to be counted then her value would be degraded. You've already discussed with your boss so now there is no point to be discussed anymore. So, my kind advise is that please do your job diligently & follow the instructions whatever your boss give you & side by side look out for a change & please do not discuss with your collegues as well till the time you get an offer. Further to be noted, it is the HR who has to do the smooth exit of employees.


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