Recruitments In CHINA - How To Go About It??

Dear All,
I have been trying to figure this out.
Our Company have a branch office in CHina, for which we want to recruit more people.
Can anyone who have already done recruitments in CHina, let me know please how can we recruit people for that particular office. We want a local person from CHina.
We have checked with Job portals, they do not offer this facility in China.
Consultants is the last option we want to try.
PLease let me know asap, how can we go about it.
I have used consultants for recruitment from Hong Kong, but frankly have no idea how to go about it in Mainland China. A Google search revealed quite a few job portals like,, etc. How about giving them a try?
Hi Archana,
There are lot many IT company having operations at China.There are many job cites also for china recruitments . Go in any serach engine put China And recruitment and database you will get it
Tikam Singh
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