I Got Job Offer From Three Companies, Literally Confused To Chose One Attribution:

Sunaina Jayathi
Dear Sir/Madam
I am in a bit confusion situation now, I got job offer from three companies for the position of "Reporting Specialist", now the thing is which one should I chose.
The three companies are
1) Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab (Aerospace Domain)
2) Accenture Plc (KPO)
3) Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd (Investments & Banking)
Profile/Role: Reporting Specialist (More or Less the same profile in all three companies)
Package: Almost the same in three companies
My concern is like, which company will have a better career growth and would have better future.
Kindly guide me in this expedition. Please reply soon, any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance
Thanks & Regards
Sunaina Jayathi
Since job profile and pay packages are same for all the three compnaies and all the three are bluechip companies, these factors can be ruled out now as a criteria for chosing a compnay. Therefore the other criteria to be zeroed in are :
1) what offers you bright career both within and outside. You need examine the experience in which company has a marketable value across I.T sector etc.For example working in KPO is more benficial or in I.T company affords better marketability to you in future.
2)which provides you a work-life balance like working hours or flexi timings or travel distance etc. 3)what is your present need or goal - career or work-lif balance i.e balancing your domestic life with office life.
It is difficult for any one to suggest a particular company as that may not fit in your other goals. A broad guideline and direction canbe provided to your analysis that will help you to make adecision.
HR & labour Law advisor
Sunaina Jayathi
Dear Saikumar
Thank you very much for the reply. After your suggestions, I have made my decision to join Honeywell.
Once again thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
All the best. All is well that ends in Honey well.
HR & labour law advisor
Jhuma Tiwade
Hi Sunaina,
Lucky girl to have 3 offers in hand. But just a word of advice. Since this a general forum, avoid using the company names. Although nothing offensive has been quoted by you but I guess the moderators always advice on keeping the anonymity.
By the way all the best for your future endevours.
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