Employee Relationships -During Lunchtime

So guys tell me in offices we have a system where we sit in a corner with our gang and eat or go out , please let me know how much of you folks actually sit down and eat your food ???? Folks do you have an idea on why we should be sitting on the floor with a mat and having our food
Rajashri Vinod
Corporate Yoga trainer and teacher
miss wow
When at home I sit down and have my food. Sitting down and eating helps in proper digestion as per my knowledge.
Etti Bhatt
Business Development Manager
Thanks Etti For your feedback , just to let you know that Mother Earth at times does some fabulous work for us , that doesnt go recognised , in the sense sitting down and eating , due to the gravitational pull of the earth , how much ever we eat , its digested and as the yoga experts say , it is always even if you have eaten a full fledged meal , sitting on the floor , it will alwys make us feel that our stomach is half empty and very much lighter.....
Rajashri Vinod
Corporate Yoga Trainer and Teacher
Those days that was the practice that people sit in the floor and take food. That is scientifically proved that it is good for health. Even whenever you want if you sit int he floor and relax or read etc it is good for health. This is the method advised by elders. Even now you can notice some meetings are held sitting in the floor.

Another advantage is that you can discuss and finalise some official matters. During my official in my company we call the morning coffee time we call it as one minute meeting. There is a board in the small room and all the officials assemble to take coffee. At that time employees who are having problems in the office ( like memo not replied, funds not release, more no of absentees, HR worketc) are written int he board and the concerned will have to reply in the same board the action taken. Employees are afraid of their names appearing inthe board since it is seen by the top management as well started to be careful and in course of time the complaints are one or two. Actually this was suggested by me and got the compliment from the top management. Companies can follow this method instead of calling all for a meeting disturbing them and wasting their time this has proved to be a very good method.

Sitting in the floor and taking food in a leaf ( this is the medium connecting the earth and the man sitting ) talking and lying in the floor sleeping are all very good for the health. People started slowly realising the importance of these old system and trying to adopt giving importance to health
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