How To Mail A Request For Relievign Letter?

Hi all

I have been terminated from the company for some process issues without any notice period or one month pay (as stated in my offer letter either party has to give 1-month notice or one month pay). They had informed me that they will give me some other process and asked me to come after 2 weeks. After 2 weeks they informed me that they cannot give me any process and that my termination stands. They have made the final settlement without the notice period month pay. I have acquired a job in another company and this company is insisting that I provide my previous company's relieving letter or at the very least acceptance mail of resignation from my previous company but my previous company is not giving me a relieving letter stating that I had not resigned but was terminated and on termination basis i will not be provided a relieving letter but just experience letter.

Is there any way I can get a relieving letter?

Can someone please help me format a formal request asking for relieving letter from my previous company?

What steps should i take to get my relieving letter?
Dear Haya,
You can call up your Head - HR in your previous company and give him a copy of a newly designed Resignation Letter (pre-dated as your temination letter). You may ask him to approve it so that a copy can be sent to your present company.
Otherwise, an experience certificate (normally) also be good enough for your present company, which will mention your last working date with your ex-employers.
Hello Haya,
Sorry to hear about your termination. However, companies at times have to take some measures to ensure its existence.
Nevertheless, not deviating from the subject, in my opinion, your previous employer should not have any problem in issuing you a relieving letter. Surprisingly, they have already issued you an experience certificate.
What is also important is whether you have stated the fact of termination to your new employer. If that is true, then the HR in your new organization would understand this.
You should however talk to your reporting manager in your previous organization and try & explain this. I am sure that he/she would understand your plight & oblige. You should also speak with the HR - Head in your previous organization and see if he/she can help you out in this regard.
I hope this helps.
Ashfaq Bhojani
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