Psychometric Tests Courses - Pdf Download

I am working as HR Manager I would like to know about the institute offering courses and certification in psychometric testing like MBTI, TKI, FIRO - B, PB16.
Please guide me for above
Thanks in advance
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Amal ji,
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Psytech Intrernational is one of the world’s leading developers of psychometric tests and assessment software for the workplace. With worldwide representation, and assessment products in multiple languages, Psytech is considered to be ‘Global Leaders in Local Assessment Solutions’

Certification Purpose:

Learn to administer assessments, generate and use reports of online Ability, Aptitude and Personality assessments both for selection and development purpose.


Purchase and use all online assessments including 360 Degree Feedback from Psytech International

Qualification Achieved

1. Assistant Test User(ATU) Certificate from British Psychological Society(BPS)/European Federation of Psychologists Associations(EFPA)

2. Psytech Testing Certificate (PTC) issued by Psytech International, UK.

About EFPA

With effect from February 2012,EFPA replaced the widely recognized Certificates of Competence in Occupational Testing.

Faculty Profile:

Mr.Joseph Paulson, Director-HRAnexi, an ex military pilot, has over 30 years of experience in the Indian Air Force and then

corporate consulting. He is an MBA, MS in counselling, an NLP Master Practitioner and certified global facilitator for BlessingWhite. He also holds Level A&B qualification from BPS and has expertise in training and conducting AC/DC, competency mapping, organizational diagnostics, leadership development and executive coaching.

Investment per person for 3 day’s training is Rs. 45,000/-+ST. Cite HR Members are offered a 15% discount if registration is done by 15th Nov.

To register:080-65701801/2/3 or 022-67401000 or [Login to view]
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