Reasons Vs Excuses - Doc Download

Dear friends,
I have to give a presentation in our Annual Meeting. The topic assingned to me is "Reasons Vs Excuses".
I need your help in this regard.
Hi Abhilash,
I must admit that you have a rather challenging task on hand and that is also the reason why you must make a good attempt at taking it on with optimism and determination.
Let me share with you a few points on how I interpret the two terms and hopefully you will get some pointers on how to build up your assignment.
They are proactive responses
Have a logical and rational build up
Offer an outline to re work / salvage a situation
Seek to explain rather than justify
Are an escapist mechanism
Twist facts to suit the situation
May ignore inconvenient truths
Focus is on justifying rather than on getting solutions
I am sure you can think up of a few more features of both and then elaborate on each point.
Best Wishes for your presentation.
Dear friend,
Excuse me for attaching some food for thought if doesn't help you.
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

Kumar has done a neat job of attaching a document that is more detailed and I am sure with this additional input you will be able to do a great job.
Best Wishes
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