How To Use Your Mind:Thinking Out Of The Box:wisdom From An Idiot

The original story is not written by me:::::
There was a town name Honest city which was very famous for its resident,Don`t go on the name my friends ,every thing about the town was completely reverse,Honesty for them was just a word in books but as god has decided if there is dark there would be light. A young boy used to live in that town, next to a big mansion.He used to dream about living in a mansion like that and for a poor lad it was too difficult dream to achieve, he tried so luck in so many things and so many ways, sold insurance, did Hichy......Pichy jobs but no result,Even he appeared for some interview for some good jobs but the question "why should I hire you?" made his Mansion boat sink. to read full story click on the linkWisdom from an idiot
Thanks to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ashish paliwal
soft skills trainer and motivational speaker
Wisdom from an idiot
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