Fatal Accident During Rigging Activity!!! - PDF Download

Dear All
Have a look into the attached report... Take pro-active measures to prevent such accidents in your area of work...
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Dinesh Divekar
Dear Dipil,
Thanks for providing valuable information. When it comes to industrial safety the only name that comes to our mind is yours.
Thanks once again for doing yeoman's service in spreading safety awareness.
Dear All,
Please find the attached safe slinging guide.
May be this will help in preventing accidents.
Thanks Dipil and Raghu for shearing.
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear Sudhir,
Thanks for sharing a sling guide with us. I have a question on that sling guide at page# 13 I was bit confused & not get time to go through all will get you . Mr.Sudhir I am not point you for my question its open question.
Keep on touch. . .
Thank you Raghu and Sudhir for sharing sling using method and the guide is really helpful for everyone. I have distributed this Safe Slinging Guide to all my friends.
Keep on sharing friends.
Kesava Pillai
Dear Friends,

Let us reinvestigate the case.

Accident is - failure of the wire rope sling it says.

Did the rope snap? Answer is “NO”!

Most probably the wire rope was attached using wire rope clips and the splicing gave way as I see in the picture.

Now the wire rope capacity is D˛x 8 = 12 x 12 x 8 = 2048 kg = 2.048 tonnes.

Wire rope will have a factor of safety of 6

There is no chance of the wire rope giving way for the assumed load of 1.4 tonnes.

In many cases the wire rope joints are not made properly and these results in failures and subsequent accidents. (The question is how to splice a wire rope using wire rope clips). Most riggers if not trained will put lesser number of clips than required, put clips in the wrong direction or change direction of alternate clips. There is a right way for this job and that is the only way to splice the wire rope using clips. They should also know how many clips are required depending up on the diameter of wire rope.

The investigation of this accident has not brought out the desired result.

They are still following Domino theory of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions which will not improve safety performance.


Kesava Pillai
Dear Sir

Thanks for come up with your valuable findings and suggestions...

As this is a Safety Alert we can't always expect to get the real picture... May be sometimes what happened in actual not writing by the companies... You also very well aware this because of our Law and Legal problems... Only putting up those data which will not put the company in danger... However they are focusing more on the recommendation part and trying to prevent the recurrence... They have mentioned some internal document reference number like FPE 9, etc. in which there may be more detailed safety precautions mentioning which required to be following for such jobs...

I am also fully agreed with your views on wrong fixing of bulldog clip as one of the causes of this accident...


I am attaching one slide showing pictorial representation of Safe/Unsafe fixing of bulldog clips onto a Wire Rope sling as a supportive data to what Kesava Pillai sir quoted... I am sure this will help some of the members of our forum....
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raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear Kesav sir,
Thanks for your Usual support. Keep on sharing sir.
Dear Dipil,
Thank for the presentation
Most of our EHS & Engg persons knew the saddle of the clip rests against the “live” portion of the wire rope while the U-bolt rests on the short, “dead end” portion of the wire rope.
My question is why we want put clip rest against the ‘’live’’ portion (I know its given more potency) but how someone can prove technically (Like 1+1=2).
I can’t prove with help of reference documents in web but can't technically.
thanks in advance...
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