Teach Yourself Regular Expressions In 10minutes - RAR Download

Dear All,
Please find a E- Book on Expressions.Hope this will be useful.
Hari Krishnan
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M.Peer Mohamed Sardhar
The file is not opening,,,
Also please do not upload .rar file,, as many people wont be able to download,,,
Dear Hario,
This book would be useful for people using / working on java.
The reader of this book will learn how to:
- Match characters sets
- Match repeating characters (using minimums and maximums if needed)
- Match (or ignore) based on case
- Build sub-expressions
- Use all of the special characters
- Work with excape sequences
- Use POSIX classes to simplify complex expressions
- Use back-references
- Use look-behind operators
Swapna Nair
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