HR Seminars !!!

Hi all !!!
I have a question and would definitely like to know your views
with a sense of frankness and practicality.
"" How far is it justfiable to take monetory charges when invited for a
seminar in a management school ? ""

Have a great day !!!
With regards
Yes, I think it is well justified to take charges for attending programs at management schools.
1. It is an human mentality that if something free is given to him /her they will not care for it. But if same thing is bought by him/her by paying huge amount of money they will care for it. The same thing is with attending the management programs. If it is free they will be less interested, but if the fee of the program is paid by him/her, they will become more eager to learn bcoz they had paid for it.
I mean to say they will do "Poora Paisa Wasool"
2. When you are attending a management program in a B-school the money which u are paying will be utilized by B school in its further development. Hence the student who are studying there will get better education.
Anybody wants to add something more......... :!: :!: :!:
I also agree with waht dsv has written. Unless you spend, you will not realsie the value of it. The moment we see 'cash outflow", we will try and make best use of it.
Sadashiv Rao
Hi ,
I agree with your reply 100% . Unless & until there are monetary charges attached to these semionars people will not realise its worth & the efforts put in by the people who speak or train the individuals who attend it.
Only when you have spent your hard earned money on the same you will remember the things taught in the seminar.
Sadashiv :D
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