Format For Exit Interviews-needed! - Doc Download

Dear all!
i am in need of an Exit interview form so as to conduct such an interview for the employees who leave the orgn.
I have prepared some points but i want some experts opinion on the same!
any other suggestion is welcome!
HR Assist
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Hi Ravindra,
Please find the attachement of the exit interview forms,
Hope this helps you.
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Hi Ravindra,

This could also be helpful..this is not my work but has been posted on this...ETERNAL HR FORUM.


This questionnaire and your scheduled exit interview are important elements of our separation policy. Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated. As an opportunity to make a final contribution toward improving areas of concern, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Please be open and honest in order that we may better serve our associates in the future.

Name: Date of Hire:

Department: Date of Separation:

Job Title: Supervisor:

1) What is (are) the primary reason(s) for leaving the Company?





2) How long have you been considering your decision to leave the company

3) Please tell us the specific incident/event which has triggered your thought process of leaving the company.

1. 2.

4) Have you ever discussed your dissatisfaction/grievance with anyone? If Yes, with whom and when? Was there any attempt to mitigate your concern?

5) What could have been done to retain you as an associate



7) How did each of the following influence your decision? Please respond by circling one number below for each item.

Factors Affecting Separation Decisive Very Important Important Not so important

A. Nature of Work

B. Salary & Benefits

C. Lack of Career growth opportunity

D. Immediate Superior**

E. Organization Culture (Speed of decision making, ethical work behavior, open communication etc.)

F. Hygiene Factor (Designation, Commuting Distance, work hours etc.)

G. Unfriendly work environment

H. Lack of Self Development opportunity

I. Lack of professionalism

J. Insufficient training to perform the job effectively

K. Not so clear understanding about roles and responsibilities

L. Insufficient & Infrequent feedback on work performance

** Please give a few specific examples to illustrate why you are leaving because of your immediate superior.

8) What are the attributes, in your new assignment , you find more appealing compared to your current job?(In case of multiple reasons, would you mind giving priorities)

- Role/Job Nature

- Wage(by what percentage)

- Growth Opportunities :

- Designation:

- Location

- Any Other

9) What changes would you suggest for Company in India to make it a better place to work for?

1. 2.

Exit Interviewer’s Signature: _____________________________ Date:_________________

Associates Signature: ___________________________________

You can get too much data regarding exit interview if you search in Cite HR .....
Here i am sending you a link .............
There has been several post of exit interview, formats etc in the past ......... you just need to search them
Best Regards,
Deepa Mathur
Please find the attached file of Exit interview qustionnaire
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Dear Friend
You can use this exit interview form also, we are using the same in our organization
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Pls Find what we use
Dattatreya Kulkarni
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Any kind of interviews with employees would be best handled by a third party NGO interviewing the employee families at their home so that undue iinfluence can be filtered out.
this is a best practise under SA8000/ WRAP.
Asef Zaman
hopefully this will be of some help.....i've proposed it for my company!!!
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Hiten Parekh
Hi Shweta !
I appreciate the format sent by you the most because it was short. I have seen some other formats posted by our colleagues but found them to be lengthy.
Remember short and crisp is the requirement these days.
Further, do let me have your views on whether like all other questionnaires does this also need VALIDATION?
Best wishes...
Hiten Parekh
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