Great Help From CiteHR

prajakta bhat
I am working as a HR executive in a IT company, Pune.
I dont have senior in my department (like HR manager)
whenever I find any dufficulty regarding any topic in HR, I use to get help from CiteHR friends and seniors. It has increased in my confidence of working and gradually i am getting the more and detailed knowledge of HR field.
Thanks a lot to all my HR friends and seniors of CiteHR
friends, share your great experiences about CiteHR.
ya i agree with prajakta. This site is awesome one, what ever i want i will get it from this site. I have collected so many hr related details here. I thank to the founder of this site and also all members of this site. keep sharing........................
Dear Friends,
Yes I agree with both the people. Whatever we required about HR info, surely we get here. This is a wonderful cite For HR.
Here all the HR people also support us with broad mind.
I give Big Thanks to One and ALL Members of the Cite HR
Gaurav Sareen
Hello to Prajakta & others,
Its always wonderful to hear how a knowledge resource really adds value to one's knowledge and skills base. Unfortunately, I am noticing a steady increase of 'lazy' people posting questions here with the hope of getting quick responses without making any efforts themselves in the first place. In particular, they are university students completing projects. I find this a sad situation.
Prajakta, obviously you are a genuine 'poster' seeking solutions due to your unfortunate circumstances. I would label you 'resourceful' and 'problem solver'. And, please congratulate yourself because taken together, these are critical qualities for any leadership position. And, any employer would want to hire someone with your traits. I know I will!
Keep your 'wanting' spirit alive and I wish you an Abundant Life!
Dear Respectives,
Cite hr is a wonderful place where we all HR professionals meet share views each others. It helps for enhancement of our knowledge & skills. Cite Hr helps to collect more information which generate in our mind and desirous to get more better explanation regarding such. All the members efforts are very appreciable who without any intention share their views openly.
Really cite hr is a very helpful to me.
Thanks a lots to all cite hr team & members.
hello 2 all,
Yes I am also agree with all it's really a wonderful cite helpful to everyone...always provide great guidance by professionals, share lots of experience, notes and all.....
Really thanks to all.......
keep in touch......
"Knowledge increase Knowledge"
thanks prajkta mam for posting,bcoz of it we could share our thankness for this cite.....
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