Coffee Machine Etiquette

Roshni R
Coffee machine Etiquette
Hi.. In our office, we have installed Coffee Vending Machine for employees. Initially we had told all staffs regarding its usage. But now the problem, is that some employees spills sugar or coffee in pantry floor or slab..
Hence i require Do's and Don'ts Policy regarding usage of Coffee Machine for office.
Request seniors to provide some useful stuff
You can check out this links for few insights
A guide to vending machine etiquette
For making the don'ts please make the negative sentence of the do's and change the same as Dont's.
and in addition whatever you wish to add, you make your own.
With warm regards
S. Bhaskar
Institute a roster so that everyone in the office MUST take a turn in cleaning up the mess.
Very soon peer pressure will mean that people learn to keep the area clean and tidy as they don't want to clean up other people's mess.
However, if you don't want to do that, then you already have the solution to your problem.
You know what behaviours are annoying you, ie spilling coffee or sugar etc. Just make a list of the things that bug you and post that near the coffee machine.
Have a good Time with me. (Vending Machine says to Employee )
Please Don't Press Twice to avoid overflow.
Keep yourself and office clean by not spilling over.
You can create more sentences like that... According to the real time requirement
Do you think that the Dos and Don'ts will help you...
Better you change the environment.
By maintaining a separate place (like a cabin) for the coffee machine and you can clean that place daily. Better prefer sugar cubes instead of powdered sugar, then there will be no spilling of sugar...
Roshni R
I had made the poster...... but I am not able to prepare it completely......... Hence I request if anyone can help in this regards..........
hi Roshini....,
Ur poster idea was excellent... i here to give some idea to make ur poster as effective one.... you just create ur poster like i.e., Title " Check Your nature & Character from your coffee" in the dody content put 3 coffee cups and behind the coffee cups u just provide text Like "If u spend ur coffee time without spilt ur coffee - U r a socialistic person and u r care about ur environment and u r a good care taker of company something like that.... it makes them to think about their behavior.... and sorry yar i have no time to tell u fully if u need more just tell me i will create u a poster
raghuvaran chakkaravarthy
Dear Roshini,
You can add/include some quotes about save enviroinment/save water on your bottom of the poster. . .
Your background and environment is with you for life. No question about that.
__Sean Connery
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
__Dr. Seuss
How about giving people some personal responsibility for their own behaviours and etiquettes. The one who messes up the floor, cleans it up...simple.
"OMG I cant believe that there is link to "A guide to vending machine Etiquette"
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