Can Anyone Find Out This??????????? - ZIP Download

Hi friends, can you find out this

4 criminals are caught and are to be punished. The Judge allows them to be freed if they can solve a puzzle. If they do not, they will be hung. They agreed

The 4 criminals are lined up on some steps (shown in picture). They are all facing in the same direction. A wall seperates the fourth man from the other three.

So to summarise :-

Man 1 can see men 2 and 3.

Man 2 can see man 3.

Man 3 can see none of the others.

Man 4 can see none of the others.

The criminals are wearing hats. They are told that there are two white hats and two black hats. The men initally don't know what colour hat they are wearing. They are told to shout out the colour of the hat that they are wearing as soon as they know for certain what colour it is.

They are not allowed to turn round or move.

They are not allowed to talk to each other.

They are not allowed to take their hats off.

Who is the first person to shout out and why?

PS: There is no trick to the question, just logical deduction
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Hey its not accepting the ext .bin, probably u can do one thing, after u download, u can open with .bmp.....try it..
Hey HRX,
anyway " I WILL BE BACK" .........
:) :) :)
i cud download the attachment.
but m not as brainy as i thought!
plz give the answer.
This is a great puzzle!
Since you said this require no brain of a rocket scientist, I'd say Number 2 should be the first guy to shout what color is his hat.
Number 2, upon seeing that the color of Number 3's hat is black; he waited for Number 1 to shout 'white'.
However, Number 1 would not do that since what he is seeing are white and black hats;
While Number 1 has not shouted out what colour he is wearing, Number 2 shouted 'white' since he verified from Number 1's silence that he (Number 2) is wearing a different color of hat compared to Number 3.
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