Health Slogan

Dear All,
I wann to display Health related slogan , good thoughts , short poem etc on canteen wall . Pls suggest
Yes, my waist is fifty inches -
Big for me because I'm short.
And yes, I like my cheddar cheese
When partnered with a vintage port.
Okay, okay, that double cream
Is always served with pud,
And cake and biscuits with my tea
Are just no bloody good
For my poor hardened arteries.
But see my point of view,
Please dear wifey if you please -
A Salad makes me spew!
I'd rather eat a bowl of air
Than crunch away on greens;
Drink water from the toilet bowl
Or nibble on my jeans!
But salad! Are you there?
You know it makes me snappy -
So let me fill my face with grub,
Stay fat, and die young happy!
food absolutely appetising
Food food absolutely tantalising
The way it makes your stomach jump at its mention
The way it melts on your tongue when you go to taste it
The way the mouth waters at its mention or sighting
The uncontrollable breathing for some impatient people
As the food is prepared the intensity of its appeal
The race to the table to secure a seat at the buffet
The enjoyment as the food passes down the throat
With a nice cold drink to was it down with
How quickly everyone disappears at the sight of empty dirty dishes
Food food absolutely appetising
Food food absolutely tantalising
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