Notice Period [Thread 265779]

I am working in one of the Top 3 IT companies in India. I have a question. Almost every IT company has rule of serving Notice Period for 2 months. 2 months Notice period is meant for completing the incomplete tasks, Giving KT, Transition Period n all. But What if an employee is on bench( freepool)? Does he still need to give 2 months of notice period?
It is not only for completing the incomplete task but it also for the hr dep for recrut another person on your place and you can succesfully hadover the charge of your position before you leving the organisation.
May be for this reason notice period is important in every type of organisation.
If your appointment term specifies the NP, then it is. However, to a great extent it is in the hands of the immediate supervisor to waive it. The other option is u get it reimbursed from the employer whom u r to join.
The intention behind Notice period is to recruit the new one in the vacancy
before the present person leaving the company , and he/she need to finish the existing responsibilities .
So even the candidate is on bench he/she need to serve for the notice period defined by the company.
Dear Rahul,
If you have been benched, it implies that the company already has enough human resource to carry out it's work. If you have other options, exercise them and move on buddy. Request for an early exit if you have another job in hand, usually companies are open to discussions on such matters. All the best.
I work at a client place. The client is giving me lot of work. If i am not able to complete the given task within notice period. Do my company have right to extend my notice period
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