Resignation Of An Employee & Settlement Of Dues.

Our employee was working with us since past 7 months.
He was shifted in the sister concern company for 1 month verbally & he resigned.
Now he was asked to meet the recruiter director of the company to finally settle all the claims & he is continuously mailing for the final dues with the company.
There is never a denial to clear off the actual dues but he is still communicating on mails.
From past 2 months inspite of a mutually agreed appointed time & date; he has not turned up.
Kindly suggest the actions on the same or advice on the situation.
Raj Kumar Hansdah
Dear Gaurav
Welcome to !!
Please put yourself in the shoes of the ex-employee for a moment.
Would you be happy even if after months of resigning, your final dues are not paid and you are asked to meet some officials personally ?
In such situation, you may be working for another company, in another city, busy with understanding the new assignment, taking care of re-location problems etc.
Why should an ex-employee be made to run around personally and physically to get his dues ? Can it not be ascertained fairly (or even provisionally) and sent to his bank account, just as his salary was being sent ??
Please think over it and the "harassment" the ex-employees are subjected to; and think of a way to avoid these bottlenecks and streamlining the process.
To provide "Employee Delight !!" should be the motto of all HR persons.
Warm regards.
I do not understand the phrase "...1 month verbally & he resigned".
Was the transfer a verbal instruction?
Was the resignation "verbal"?
Making full & final settlement on time is a good practice and will improve the image and culture of the company. However one needs to ensure that the employee has honoured all legal and statutory commitments.
A full and final statement can be prepared and can be sent to his present address so that he can sign the papers and courier it back to office so that within a week's time his settlement cheque can be sent to his address or directly to his bank account. I think it can be handled like this
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