How Can I Celebrate My Employee Birthdays?

Hello everybody,
I recently joined a Logistics Co. where i am placed in the Head Office and work Location of employees is in the same city but different locations. Can anybody suggest me How can i celebrate my employees birthdays? Please do reply to me my mail id is [Login to view]
Dear Rachna,
In my previous organization we had a budget of Rs.500/- budget per employee birthday wherein we would get the employee a card with some sweets and a desktop gift with the company logo and it made wonders to employee morale.
There are several other ways - your could cut the cake for the employee and get the entire team together to sing for him, you could gift him dining vouchers or sodexho, you could give the person a paid workoff on his birthday with some token vouchers.
The list simply goes on an on, the idea is to identify what works for you and what would make major impact on the employee that would cheer him up on his birthday.
We don't have budget alloted to celebrate Birthday? What is the best way to celebrate Birthday of employees without spending money ?
If the team is bigger, you can have monthly b'day celebrations, preferably on last day of the month or last friday of every month. In case of small teams, you can have a b'day cakes and short games played in the office, centering the B'day boy or girl. You can collect a small monthly contribution from the whole team for meeting the expenses.
Dear Rachana,
In this mechanical world no one will contribute to celebrate the others birthday since this is my exoperience. My suggestion would be to send a birthday greeting personally to the concerned and announcing the birthday with wishes in the notice board to all with the photograph of the birthday boy or girl.
Hi Rachana,
if your constraint is place ie where to celebrate, then below 3 options, try not to take money from employees, this does not create impression abt HR
1) you can gather all the employees on the last working day of every month at the HO and you all can celebrate b'day of all the employees whos b'days fall in that particular month - this is beneficial for building rapport bet the diff teams of your co. as well
2) you can go to each office every month on the last working day, and you all can celebrate b'day, at least they will get feeling that HR is looking after them, most of the time, HR is not even seen in the branch offices, they will feel good
3) let them celebrate their b'day whenever as it comes and HR can sponsor the expenses for cakes and other stuff
Hi There

We send email with animated gif of birthday wishes either with small poems or anything interesting about that person and rest of the teamreply follows with their thoughts
Apart from email we do following to make a special day for our team member.
  1. Buy a card and write birthday wishes or color stamp (finger stamp with different acrylic colors) instead of signatures.
  2. Decorate the cubicle with balloons as per his/her taste.
  3. Place a flower bouquet.
  4. Cut the birthday cake and have a cake bash (creaming the cake on his/her face).
  5. To make him more special, ask him to speak.
  6. If you have a notice board, place his pic and let everyone write on the white board.
  7. Gift him/her with a box of goodies/chochalates.
you can fix any day of the month and arrange a get to gather in which you can celebrate the b'day of all the employees collectively. this will also give a chance to all the employees to know and interact with each other.And on the individual's b'day send him a sms and if possible send some gift to him.
Dear Friends,
Lot of inputs have been given. Depending upon the budget availability, we can customize the celebration process. I would like to add one more angle. What is the correct birthday? Many employees are having two birthdates !!!! One as per the record, the other actual birthdate. In my small of team, 20% of employees have dual birthdate. I have taken a decision to celebrate only on the birth date as per record.
We identify the list of employees whose birthday falls on particular month and third week of that month we celebrate birthdays of our employees by cutting cake. Senior Management also participate in this celebration and convey their wishes and also distribute birthday card to employees. We also paste the list of employees birth date on the information board so that his or her friends/colleagues and others can convey their birthday greetings to them.
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