Measurement Of The Contribution Of Hrm - PDF Download

Hi people,
I'm halfway through a 3000 word assignment on how to effectively measure the contribution of Human Resource Management within my organisation.
I would be very grateful if anyone can point me in the direction of any online material relating to 'current' or 'recent' developments in this area.
I've already done background reading (Guest, Pfeffer etc.) but if someone can also reccomend a link to information on Purcell's 'Black Box Studies' I'd very much appreciate as the libraries round here don't have anything on it.
Many Thanks
Rajesh Balasubramanian
Measuring the HRM Contributions to your organization - your measurement wil be based out of the effectivenss of various programs run by your HR team
The Matrices are to be used to evaluate the same and surveys for employee engagement, health, satisfaction etc will give fair feel
I am attaching a file which may be of use to you, i presume
All the best
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I have just found a very useful document while surfing.(prepared by State of South Carolina.)
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