Periodical Health Checkup Of Workmen

I am HR. Executive of a renound Pen and Writing Instrument Industry. Our manufacturing process is not Hazardous Process. We have around 385 workmen in our production facility.
I want to know that is periodical health checkup and maintaining HEALTH REGISTER (Form 17) under Rules 63 of the West Bengal Factories Rules 1958 for the workmen of our production facility mandatory ?
I want expatiate opinion in this regards..
Asish Chakraborty
Upto my best knowledge you are covered under "Factories Act" , If you using any toxic material / chemical due to which workmen/ employee may suffer health problem in that scenario it is obligatory for the princal employer to maintain the Health Register.
If you are not using any toxic material / chemical then also you have to prove by this register that all workmenn working at Factory are fit to work. So it is mandatory to maintain the same.
Dear Mr. Prasant,
Thanks a lot for your opinion.
We are using plastic granules and ink for manufacturing of Ball Pen and Refills. The machines, which we are using, are modern, sophisticated and safe. There are less chances for contamination. We are also using adequate and proper personal protective equipments and proper training have been given to every workman.
We have no smoke, heat, sound or toxic material/chemical hazard inside the work place.
More over we have appointed part time Registered Medical Practitioner who checks the health of employees and submits fitness certificate to the management.
Still if it is mandatory, we are ready to maintain the Periodical Health Checkup and Health Register for all employees.
Dear Mr. Ashish,
Whatever Mr. prashant wrote was absolutely correct. It is mandatory .
You are saying that there is no hazardous process in your industry .
pls go thru the defination of Haz.Process
Haz. Process - means any process or activity in relation to an industry specified in the First Schedule where in , unless special care is taken , raw material used therein or the intermediate or finished products, bye products , waste or effluents thereof would -
i ) cause material impairment to the health of the persons engaged in or connected there with or
ii ) result in the pollution of the general environment.
Girish k
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