Friendship And Women!!!!

Do you know the relationship between two eyes..? they blink together,
they move together, they cry together, they see things together and
they sleep together BUT THEY NEVER SEE EACH OTHER.. that's what's friendship

But when a beautiful girl comes in front, one eye goes blink and the other remains open........................................
Moral of the story : Girls can break even the best of friendships.
Mallet :lol: :lol: :lol:
I do accept the fact that girls can break the best of friendships. I can recollect my college days. Myself and another guy were real close friends for 4 yrs. Nothing cud have broken our friendship but a girl came between us in the name of friendship.Finally she is not a friend to both of us.In addition we (myself and the other guy) broke up.
But I can't blame thart girl fully because we beleived that girl. That is our mistake. anyway thanks for freshening my memories. I think I will call back my old friend and if we say sorry to each other...everything will be back to normal.
Thanks for making me remember my long lost friend amidst my busy life.
Guys are no excuse for this !!
This is out of my own personal experience.....i lost my best friend because of the intrusion of another guy.....This experience had weakened my belief in frienship.
Yes I do agree that women can break friendships because they are very emotional and dedicated to whichever relation they get into.So they might be feeling insecure when they get into a relationship because being humans we have a tendendcy to expect returns for whatever we do.So this might be a jor reason for breaking up.
But there might be exceptions no offense girls!!!
senthil raj
It is NOT man or woman who break the f/ships.
If you give space for break..............any one can break it. Friendship can be maintained based on trust, confidence, understanding, acceptance, respect to feelings, etc.... So DONT GIVE SPACE.
senthil raj
Hi Senthil Raj,
I fully agree with you that Not a Man or Woman is responsible for breaking Friendship.
In Friendship, trust, confidence is very very important.
Good one....
Anjuman Ara Baby
Dear all,
The problem was not with the girl rather two frinds who couldn't trust each other.
If the two boys were very strong, no one can broke the friendship.
Anjuman Ara Baby
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
"Moral of the story : Girls can break even the best of friendships."
Dear Millet,
Can this truth be illustrated?
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