Regarding Interview Ppt Download

Janaki S
Dear All:p
On interview day what suppose to carrary:icon14:isit only resume,or any records.
Dear Janaki,
It is always better to carry photo copies of all your educational, experience certificates along with your Resume. Some recruiters may ask these records at the time of Interview. It will give a good impression on you for the Interviewer. All the Best....
one most impotant thing u shuold prepare for answer "Tell me sumthing about your self"
please prepare this well
As sarita said prepare this question & also gain some basic information about the company where u wil go for interview, they can ask u... what you know about this company..? so u must know about company's profile.
about documents i can say carry hard & soft copy of resume & educational & experience certificates, 2 or 3 paasport & stampsize photographs, 1 pen etc.
Rashid Ahmed

As my friends are guiding you should prepare all these things. In addition prepare a reference sheet from your previous employers, but present it only if interviewer asks about it.

Some Tips-

Well, its that time again. Time to prepare yourself for the journey that lies ahead. It can be a little scary, but with the proper preparation you will do much better. Below are some general tips to get your focus on track. With a few interviews you'll be on your way!

Interview Tip 1: Plan Ahead - Do a little homework! Research the company and the position if possible, as well, the people you will meet with at the interview. Review your work experiences. Be ready to support past career accomplishments with specific information targeted toward the companies needs. Have your facts ready!

Interview Tip 2: Role Play - Once you have finished studying, begin role playing (rehearsing). Use the general questions provided below in the Interview Preparation Area. Write down answers if it helps to make your presentation more concise. Try to keep your answers to the information your new employer will want to know.

Tell me about yourself? (try to hold your response to 2 minutes)

What do you know about our company?

Why should we hire you?

What can you do for us that someone else can't?

What do you look for in a job?

What skills and qualifications are essential for success in the position of ______?

How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution?

How does this assignment fit into your overall career plan?

Describe your management style.

What do you believe is the most difficult part of being a supervisor of people?

Why are you looking for a new career?

How would your colleagues describe you?

How would your boss describe you?

How would you describe yourself?

What do you think of your present or past boss?

What were the five most significant accomplishments in your last assignment?

What were the five most significant accomplishments in your career so far?

Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?

How much do you expect if we offer you this position?

Why do you want to work for us?

What other positions are you considering?

Have you kept up in your field with additional training?

Best of Luck

nisha naidu
HI friens,
Can anyone help out in this..
i wanted to learn a foreign language but i hear from some that finally everyone end up with its not gonna make a big difference...
Hello Janaki,

As Rashid had guided you very properly in terms of how to preeare nad other had given you all the tips for documents. Let me added suggestions only.

1. Always carry a Writting pad, so that if interviewer asks you to make some notes, or workout something, you should be ready to action.

2. Carry your Passport size photo, atleast 2. Sometimes it required in some companies.

3. DONT FORGET TO CARRY YOUR CONFIDENCE...........THIS IS THE MOST IMP THING.4. IF you have work exp. then carry the supporting documents, (like experience certificate, appriciation letter, salary slip copy)

5. If you are fresher, then carry your project copy (if it is in the alingment with the job profile), it will help you to present your candidature to interviewer. it gives a idea about your working pattern.

6. Be ready with your SWOT Analysis. it is useful for presenting your complete profile, when the question is asked "Tell me about yourself?". DOnt use weakness word rather use it as areas of improvement. this shows how much you are aware of self and learning atitude.

SEE the PPT attached herewith this will give you more ideas.

BEST OF LUCK>>>>>>>>
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What to carry?
Most importantly a decent file / Purse (ladies) / Bag (for men)
Have atleast 5 passport size photographs
2 copies of your resume (dont look sad while submitting them - as if you paid a miliion dollar to get a print out!)
Photocopies of your educational docs
Photocopies of previous employment docs, relieving letters and last 3 months salary proof
Have a calculator with you, pens that write, plain white sheets - atleast 5, pencil that is neatly sharped, eraser (which Is why I mentioned have a neat bag)
Have the details of atleast two references - that is with the complete contact details.
Hey Friend carry enough amount of confidence,Smile and courage to accept the feedback which they give you
Required Doc's
2 - 3 copy of resume
All ur Certification photo copy
5 - passport size photo
While handshake - be with +ve node
Be with pleasent smile
Be with confident, & Do some homework on co - history,current mrk share, abt your domine ... etc
Dont carry mobile phones or bags inside the room,
................... All the best..................................
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