Selling In Difficult Times - Pdf Download

Every business experiences both good and difficult times, some driven by external events such as major market or industry downturns, and others by difficulties within the business. These changes make it important to ensure your business is in good shape to meet any challenges that lie ahead. The best time to plan for change is right now.

Connecting with Your Customers

One of the most valuable tools in any sales activity is the ability to forge and strengthen customer relationships.

Do you care about your customers as people or only as a way to make your sales numbers grow?

Can your sales team really connect your vision with customer needs?

Over the past decade, selling has become more customer-centric. Buyers who once just valued product knowledge now expect sales representatives to have done the research necessary to learn their companies’ business problems, formulate bundled product/service solutions that enhance their customers’ profit-making formulas, and also be able to quantify the value of proposed recommendations.

Selling to-day demands multiple contacts, impacts shifting sources of power and decision in your customer's organisation. It requires you to manage a multitude of details thrown at you from every direction.

Today's professionals need strategic and tactical advantages to retain and win valuable customers in a market of high uncertainties and intense competition.

These two day power packed highly interactive program on “Sales Break Down or Break Through during difficult times” on 6th and 7th February provides an effective scientific approach during difficult time to adapt to your target market and increase your business volume.

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Leader - People & System Integration
Oscar Murphy International
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Phone: 91 80 41161534 / 535
Sreenidhi S K
Very true! the key is to learn how to sell during the tough times. Here is a quick download that will surely open up new ways of selling better during the down times.
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