Soft skills material - Doc Download

Hi HR folks,
I am attaching here good material on soft skills for your perusal and improvement.
Gopala Krishna Chivukula
2 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

Dear Sri Gopalakrishna,
I had just gone through your listening skills word document. It is very well written and kudos to you for enabling the viewers to see through MBTI.

Listening ( in any language not confined English) is an art that can be learned.

You have nicely brought out how both the extrovert and introvert personalities can improve themselves by appreciating each other. Appealing indeed.

V Raghunathan. Chennai
This is a very old thread. OP has not posted since 2010, so is possibly long gone.
True Mr. Aussiejohn. This is a very old message that is now becoming a thread if I may be allowed to say so!

The initiator has mentioned that all sorts of people can hone their skills. This is a useful point for anyone who reads it today or tomorrow.

V Raghunathan
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