30 Immutable Laws Of Leadership!! - Doc Download

zara muneer
30 Immutable Laws of Leadership!

1. First & foremost, a good leader serves others.

2. Make finding the solution a bigger priority than placing the blame.

3. Surround yourself with talent better than your own and carefully nurture it.

4. Focus on delegating instead of doing.

5. Praise in public, criticize in private.

6. Perform for results, not for recognition.

7. If you grasp for power, it will slip away.

8. Your state of mind affects every person in your team, so always be positive and focused.

9. Be teachable. You don’t know everything.

10. Coercion kills the corporate spirit.

11. Manage yourself; lead others.

12. You can take charge without being in control.

13. Always be humble. Never speak about your achievements.

14. Look for great ideas, not just consensus.

15. Encourage decision making at all levels.

16. Always try to empower others to do their best.

17. In solving a problem, first look for flaws in organizational
structure & system rather than in the people.

18. Your rules apply to you, too.

19. Exert your will through persuasion, not intimidation.

20. A good decision today is far better than a perfect decision
next week.

21. Leadership is about stewardship, not ownership.

22. The harder a leader pushes, the more he pulls the
organization down.

23. Never carry a grudge.

24. Understand the fragility and importance of others’ self-

25. Walk a mile in another person’s shoes before passing a

26. Earn respect, not demand it.

27. Leaders are original, not duplicates.

28. The art of persuasion begins with an open mind and open
ears, not an open mouth.

29. A good leader aspires to be a role model rather than a hero.

30. Never let your ego get in between you and your team.

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Dear Zara
Keep Posting such valuable postings and information to motivate the people.
Hello Zara,
A very good post.
V.Raghunathan..................................... ............ Navi Mumbai
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