Social Issue Knowledge Question Answer

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Domestic violence against women is – Something that happens in poor and deprived families, common across all classes in
society, natural because men are physically more powerful, a result of women not obeying their menfolk
Poverty in India can be seen to be caused by – excessive population growth in the country, lack of literacy and education among
people, lack of access to modern technology, structural factors such as social and economic inequalities
Globalisation and opening of the market economy is – widening the gap between the rich and the poor, providing opportunities
for everyone to better their standard of living, making India a powerful country, ensuring that Indian goods find a huge market
in the world.
Free education of the girl child – is an important step towards improving the statues of women, will lead to better performance
by girls in schools, deprives boys from lower socio economic groups from accessing education, is introduced for political gains
1. What is poverty?
2. Many economics are of the opinion that India is no more a developing country. Rather it is a country in the state of transformation.
What are the symptoms, which have prompted these economist to form this opinion about India?
A . More and more countries are coutsourcing their business to India.
B. India has a vast reserve of highly technically skilled manpower
C . Instead of agrobased economy we are economically growing.
3. Which of the following is true about farmer in India?
4. Which of the following policy is designed for farmers specially – Kisan Credit Card, PSL
5. Which of the following is not a BRIC country.
6. The economic growth of a country is very much influenced by which of the following policies of Govt. of the country?
(1) FOOREX Mgmt. Policy (2) Trade Policy (3) Fiscal Policy (4) Monetary Policy
7. 2001 census birth rate highest in state
8. As we all know a high rate of eco. growth raise the living standard of the general public in a country and is considered the most
potent factor in eliminating ...
(1) cultural barriers (2) low quality of employment
(3) gender inequality (4) poverty
(5) All of these
9. Highest Milk producing state in India
10. Which of the following is the women upliftment programme run by Indian Govt.
(1) TRYSEM (2) Swa Shakti (3) TREAD (4) SGSY (5) STEP
11. The most obvious indicator of a prosperous village is
(1) Male-Female ratio (2) Effective Water Management
(3) Soil Health (4) Women Empowerment
(5) All of these
12. Where will be a probability of less poor?
(1) Metro (2) Remote village (3) Town (4) District HQ
13. In certain studies done by Agri. Scientist it is noticed that the formers use/apply more than the required quantity of chemical
fertilizers in their fields. What may be the reasons for the same? Farmers have a misconception that .....
(A) More fertilizer will give good crops (B) More fertilizer reduce the water required for the crop
(C) Chemical fertilizer increase the fertility of the land for the future.
14. UNO classified countries amongst the developed and undeveloped on the basis of
(1) Population (2) Education Facilities
(3) Per Capita Income (4) Change in the index of GDP in last three years
(5) None of these
15. Which of the following in a country like India can be considered as the sign(s) of economic growth?
(A) High rate of migration of people from city to metros and rural to urban areas
(B) Rising imbalance in male-female ratio
(C) Decline in rate of unemployment
16. Marginal and Small farmers in most of the places in India are mainly dependent on who for their working capital requirements for
their day to day affairs
(A) Local Money Holders (B) Rural Banks
(C) National Banks
17. Farmers in India certainly get a subsidy on which of the following commodities
(1) Tractors (2) Chemicals (3) Seeds (4) Fertilizers
18. In India population policies are made for a period of 20 years. Period of the present population policy is
19. India is considered a very important Dam and Multipurpose river valley project construction country. But latest/new studies
shown that these projects have created some problems in the country than providing the solution of the same. Which are this
20. Nurses emigration from which state is maximum in Gulf countries
21. The infrastructural facilities are often referred to as eco. and social overheads. Which of the following is/are included in these
22. Sectorial Growth rate in Xth plan
23. Co-operative Credit Societies in village is known as
(1) Rural Co-operative Banks (2) Choupal (3) Panchayat Samiti (4) Agri. Credit Society
24. The recent suicides of farmers in Maharashtra and Karnataka were related to which crop – Paddy, Cotton, Onion
25. SEZ full form?
26. Name of the bank of Dr. Mohd. Yunus?
Where will be a probability of less poor?
(1) Metro
(2) Remote village
(3) Town
(4) District HQ
UNO classified countries amongst the developed and undeveloped on the basis of
(1) Population
(2) Education Facilities
(3) Per Capita Income
(4) Change in the index of GDP in last three years
(5) None of these
Which of the following in a country like India can be considered as the sign(s) of
economic growth?
(A) High rate of migration of people from city to metros and rural to urban areas
(B) Rising imbalance in male-female ratio
(C) Decline in rate of unemployment
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