My Fav Ad.... - Jpg Download

have ul seen the bank ad
i think its UTI. the ad starts with 2 old ladies who are travelling in the meet their younger brother...typical old the look ..the style...everything...
and wen they reach their brother's house...they hide like kids...and the old guy comes out....confused.....
he looks here and ther...and then they come out..singing...HAPPY BDAY CHOTU
ive never seen a ad like this
it was beautiful...
i was very see tht ad..
i felt soo good..tht ad is special
ANY good Ads tht have touched u....and wld want to share??
Hi Sunayna,
The Ad is really beautiful.It depicts the true bondage. I think the Ad is for State Bank of India but not UTI.
Recently I have come across one such similar Ad for Bank of India-- A grand Father presents a Piggy Bank to his Grand Son and asks him to preserve it carefully. So the kid goes in search of a place and atlast he come across a Bank wherein the manager shows him a bank locker where the kid finally feels secured for his piggy bank and locks it safely.
This is advertised frequently in CNN-IBN channel.
I found this Advertisement very interesting one for its picturisation after the Hutch Ad ( A Dog following Kid).
There are many such Advertisements which are very creatively done and attracts customers jussssssssst like that....
Thanks for posting a interesting topic Sunayna..
hi swapna
i agree..
also..the music in the BOI ad tht u have mentioned is lovely...
it has a particular melody....just pretty
who doesnt like thw hutch dad...tht Cute (going by the std definition of Cute - ugly and weird but bearable and tolerable) lookin dog....
the theme of tht ad was very sweet.
im glad someone responded.
Hey Sunanya/ Swapna
Me toooo :) :!:
Nice to see your note. The Bank of India, Ad is really fantastic, especially the cute Kid, who expresses in his acts of protecting the small Money saver is really awesome. The climax of the Ad, with a relief expressed by the kid is simply superb
Music BG is excellent and adds marvel to the Ad. Happy to share my views on the same too
Usha Dcruz
Hi Folks,
Being in HR I liked the HARI SADU ad for
It was too good. Am I right.
YeS Ofcourse, the name--Hari Sadu goes well along with the Brand
:) Its definitely a Good reach among the Mass, Interesting too
who can ever forget hari sadu
u know...a guy named hari sadu actually got angry over the ad..i cldnt help getting amused at tht.
i also like the ad wer the boss sits on his bday cake....
naukri ads are goood
also..SURF EXCEL...
Daag ache hai..
SURF always has kids...and their ads are alway the spice of the season..
the whatsup dude..oh oh ad was my fav....
~ Fauzia ~
My fav ad is the recent one going on the tube. It’s of TIMES OF INDIA, Where an old man is shown, who after seeing the news that his grandson has been selected in the National Hockey Team quietly goes into the Basement.
Amongst the Trash he searches for his old trunk. In the old trunk lies another TIMES OF INDIA newspaper, decades old. The newspaper contains the news about him only, when he was very young & used to play for the Indian Hockey Team. The news mentioned that he was being dropped from the team due to poor performance.
The old man then compares both the news & dances with utter joy.
The way the ad is presented is very touching. I really like these kinds of ads.
especially the way he dances...
its if he has achieved bliss
its gr8 to see tht..isnt it?
i also like the old cadbury ad
the one in which the guy hits a 6..and the girl comes frm the stadium..dancing...with a cadbury..
kuch khaas hai...kya baat hai..kuch khaas hai.....zindagi mein...
very sweet ad
my latest favourite is the SBI ad
"Taki bachpan beecha budhapa na aa sake"
the one where there are a group of old guys playing cricket...and their ball hits a window
A small kids gets annoyed on the fact htat the old guys play cricket...
its a beautifully made ad.
and its so true...all these kids do now a days is sit home and watch tv or play video games.
the good old times wen we used to play hide and seek(my fav) and yell "aatli batli phutli"
or play sakhli...kho kho...
(Man! i sound ancient...i am talking abt my childhood as if it were ages ago..)
Anyway..coming back to the topic...the ad is sweet..and i really like it!!!
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