When HR Resigns


HR does this that and almost all things,, and interacts on a both professional and personal level with employees.

But when the same HR resigns how do the employees feel , the one who are closely bonded with HR, one who know the HR, and one who are HR friends. What does the HR tells when he . she is asked why u r resigning,,, and I KNOW THAT ALL HR CAN EASILY CHANGE JOBS AS THEY THEMSELVES PREPARE THEIR BOTH JOINING LETTERS AND RELEIVING LETTERS SO IT IS EASIEST FOR HR TO JOIN AND RESIGN... as they themselves are the BOSS, so rarely we hear of any HR having his salary held , or not being releived.. WHY WHY THIS ... BECAUSE WE OURSELVES ARE NOT PROFESSIONAL AND ARE LOOKING TO MAKE OTHERS PROFESSIONAL ....


Also i just posted a poll for HR prof abt when they are going to change their company.

and major of them want a change immediately today or the next three months. so is this not attrition of HR professionals when HR themselves are looking for change then what the HELL can they do retention to others.

Yes friend i agree that we as HR deal with employees on professional as well as personal level thats our job is...
But i would like to correct you for one thing that we never had salary held or relieveing problem...
My salary was deducted as i was not able to serve the whole notice period...
Fyi even Hr working for bread and butter... I always heard employees saying that HR is doing this. HR got this policy but why people dont understand that its most of the TOP MANAGEMENT's decisions...
As far as HR attrition is concerned, even we r human and we have our own needs,likes and dislikes saying this, that we control attrition we cant change job is a rediculous question itself...
I wonder do u really belong to HR community as i have read ur few posts n u donot seem to understand what exactly a HR professional goes thru...
this is my kind suggestion and request
Don't post like this again.
You want share Knowledge always welcome
You want debate with Us no problem we are ready
with Cheers Up
Pawan Krishna Reddy.C
HI Shaithaan,
Good to see your posts again..against HRs ..
HRs are not machines, if the employees consider..or top management has problems with HR is agreed, because they try to ignore the fact that they are human beings..but as HR..knowing the pain and tolerance, if an HR raises this question ..it is ridiculous.
Every human being in the life..expects security, success, and no doubt GOOD SALARY..good work culture, and HR being a human being has every right to look for a change, excluding exceptionals who are job hoppers..who change every halfyearly and gives BHAASHAN on attrition...
A Very good reply Anisha i totally agree with you.......
Even we have the right to earn better salary and to have all the facilities and this is to bring into kind notice that No One not even the top management stay with the same company for long as every one is in corporate and My Friend this is called coperate ......
Please do not post anything like this ...here we are to share our knowledge and to solve our problems with giving best to our employees........
Thank You
As we struggle to retain a best employee...let top management come down...retain us with the facilities we expect.....
Let policies change for HRs too...
Hi Shaitanji

Taking thread from the post sari has made I would like to ask you one question"who handles the HR issues of an HR?" I mean to say if the HR has a problem with her salary standard or the role he/she is playing or any other problem he /she is facing with one/any of the employees of the organisation then who solves these issues ?If your answer is top managment" then let me tell you your answer is partially correct beacuse most of the times the problem an Hr faces as an "employee" goes unnoticed so all I want to say is at times its more difficult(rather than easy) for an HR to stay in the company as an "employee" and face these problem.

I agree even HRs change their jobs and they have every right to do that.

Disciplinary action is taken on an HR too in case he/she doesnt serve his/her notice period .Remember once she is out of the organisation he/she is no more an HR he/she is just an ex-employee and is treated as the same.

I sometimes feel that you put such controversial issues to attract replies to your post.

I am sure you will receive lot more replies from sensibele HR professionals please take those suggestions seriously and not like one mere posting

Thanks and Regards

Indrani Chakraborty
Dear Shaitan,
Please note that this site is for sharing a good knowledge.
Please do not give such a bad opinion as it may hurt the feelings of entire HR Community . If you have anything personal or bad experience with any particular HR Professional try to solve at your personal level.
I once again advise please do not post such a bad opinion on not only HR Professional but to any other professional based on your experience.
I hope you can understand as No explanation is required for those who can understand otherwise No Explanation is possible those who cannot understand the simple language.
HR Professional
Hi Shaitanji,
Being a hr is this the question you pose, afterall we are human being we do have some goals to be achieved and necessities to be reached, and change is compulsory, by this our mind set will be chaged and we can contribute to the new organisation better then what we use to do earlier.
We are there for other employees to share their problems, but for us this will not be the scenario, if things go fine we can stick the company, if not we cannot lose our individuality.
Hey Friends,
G8 going its so nice to see that many of us replied to that stupid post as we know what as HR professionals our duties r...
I would strongly suggest lets cut this topic short here only its only wasting our Valuable time...
Its a humble request lets not encourage somebody to post something like this and disturb us. If we keep on replying to such posts it will only motivate such people.
So lets chak it...
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