UK hospital job as a receptionist. How we will know whether it is a fake or genuine?

Hi recently I got an offer from Venitelle hospital UK as a receptionist. how we will know whether it is a fake or genuine
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]


Have you applied for employment with them, whether any interview took place through phone / skype ?

There is no date of Agreement and your name is also not mentioned in the Agreement.

It is just a scam email to cheat you. Just ignore.
The attachment of the agreement you have shared looks fake.
Sapna Panwar
Doesn't seem like a proper offer, as the required details are missing. Please check the authenticity of the all interactions you had with them. Don't fall into the trap. Be careful while you approach or accept any new opportunity available in the market. Always do some research before applying.

If they approached you for a Job offer, the chances of being cheated are high.

The agreement letter misses out details of Pay and reading the letter- we can see grammatical errors
(a) A full compensation for all services provided by the employee shall be paid at the end of the Contract; such payments shall be subject to such normal statutory by the Employer.
Question here is did you apply to them for the job or is the mail unsolicited?
If at all, you feel the need, please contact the Hospital directly and do not reply to the mail at all
It looks fake to me.
It is a bogus mail. If you visit their website, you will find a logo. Without that logo anyone can create an agreement letter. You will also find that it's a bogus address.

Here are the contact details

Address: 50 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 0RN, UK
Email: [Login to view]

Tel: +44 7418347940

WhatsApp: +44 7418347940
There is a state government agency called NORKA ROOTS in Kerala which supports and helps the job seekers to find out whether the offer is a genuine or not. I believe such kind of organisations are available in other states. You can check that.
Its an out and out fake offer. With frequent intervals, job seekers get such offers from fake operators who try to induce with fancy locations and names. Any appt letter should have a name of applicant/employee, remuneration, job specifications etc., The letter you received is a standard template available in internet and they gave a photoshop finish. Never get into trap of such smooth operators. These fraudsters send such mails to more than 100 mail ids. Atleast 10 of them would believe and respond. And its done with.

Did you or did you not apply for a job with this company?? You have not answered this question despite other members asking you.

If you DID NOT apply for the job AND have an interview, then it is fake.

Please tell us the facts of this case.
Ram K Navaratna
Video - Receptionist

Find below the link on Receptionist wherein how their function and operation and their disposition to be there in very short manner.

For few may be useful. Link,


Ram K Navaratna
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