Information Regarding Trainings! - Xls Download

Dear All,
I am planning to start TRAININGS in my organisation. Can you all please help me in understanding that which all formats are required for this.
Looking forward for your responses....pls help!
Hi Bhavna,

You need to plan your training activities.

Some steps that you may need to follow:

Training need identification

Consolidation of training needs

Identify the methodology that you'll use for training

prioritisation of training

Identification of Training resources.

Budgeting and planning requisite resources and logistics

Create a calendar & publish so that everyone know what training programs you plan to conduct.

You may also need to design Training plans for each employee, as not every one can be given the same training program as one may not need it. However you may have some training programs that spread out to the entire organisation.

Providing training itself does not help, you also need to track effectiveness as you would have invested time and resources: So you will need to:

Take feedback on training programs conducted.

Track on job application and implementation (and evaluate results post training)

Take corrective actions as guided by on job application of knowledge and feedback given by the participants.

Some other things that will help:

Maintain all the course contents/course material so that people can refer to it at later stages.

Keep a matrix so that you know that people moved from one skill level to the other or added new skills to their protifolios after training.

Use statistics to view what kind of training you need to frequently provide (this may have a direct relation with your recruitment practices too)

Have frequent knowledge sharing sessions so that people share with others what they have learnt.

Have people trained to be internal trainers (that will reduce your cost of training considerably)

Hope this gives you information enough to start thinking and building on the training function.


Kamaljit Kaur
Dear Kamaljit,

Thanks a lot for such a wonderful information...all I could gather is, as follows:

1. I need to make a sheet which details all the Trainings to be conducted (info collceted from TNA), establish the priorities and identify the trainers.

2. Create a Training Calendar with the schedule, topics, trainers, attendees, methodology etc.

3. Then collect feedback on training conducted, trainers and on the job implementation.

4. Keep a back up for future use.

We tried conducted few training sessions in the past, what happened was that some employees who were not nominated for that session also took it and when it came to assignment submission...most of them did not.

How do I keep a check on this and ensure that employees take it seriously and submit assignments etc.

Employees here don't take training sessions too seriously.

Please advise on this...also if some body can help me with a Training calendar format...that will be really helpful.

Thanks in anticipation.


vandana kakar
Need to understand the methods and process for "tracking on job application and implementation (and evaluate results post training)." How does a training department check this?
Shilpa B
Hi Bhavna,
The problem you facing is quite similar in al da industries.
You need to attach the training sessions taken up by an employee to his performance appraisal, only then they will take it seriously.
You can define certain KRA (Key Result Areas) for the employess
basing on which their performance would be appraised and training would be one of the KRAs.
Infact you can have different levels of training - and those who perform well in first level will move up the next level, and in that way create an environment which is challenging and competitive.
Cheers @ work,
Hey, thats a great suggestion Shipa. Thanks a tonn.
Can you help me with some training formats like training calendar and feedback forms etc. ??
Attached is a monthly Program indicator. You can insert the name of the program scheduled for a particular date.
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

Once you have published the calendar, you will have to ensure that you send out a detailed schedule to the members.
You may use the outlook calendar to ensure you have the records with you.
when you send out the detailed schedule use the "new appointment" or "meeting request" option in outlook (file>>new>>meeting request /appointment )
Add the participant names in the "invite atendees" box
Set the time frame.
Ask for response (to ensure that no one drops out)
To mimimize the dropouts from program you may:
As already recommended use KRA's & KPA's.
Block the number of seats per program. (an idea size would be 12 -18)
Ensure you have a waiver process i.e people who cannot attend the training program, must inform about the same using a waiver request duly endorsed by his/her reporting manager providing the reason thereof.
Dear Shweta,
As of now, we are planning to conduct internal trainings only.
Those are technical trainings, needs are identified based on improvements required in any individual, their interests and further growth plans.
So, we get out internal resources only to impart the trainings.
Shweta Swarnkar
You can identify the need of the employees, performance appraisal report can also help to find out whom to give training, what are their prsent lackings after that you can decide which training is important for your employees.
Shweta Swarnkar
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